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Spring Maintenance: Awakening Your Car after Winter

Written by Jacqueline

Join me in embracing spring with our essential guide to revitalising your car for the brighter days ahead.

As winter’s icy grip loosens, it’s time to give your car the attention it deserves.

Spring marks the perfect opportunity for a comprehensive check-up to ensure your vehicle is ready to run optimally in the warmer months ahead.

The transition from winter to spring can be harsh on your vehicle.

The colder months may have affected everything from your car’s fluids to its battery.

As such, thorough spring maintenance is crucial not only for the longevity of your vehicle but also for your safety while driving.


Car during Spring

Fluid Check

Your car’s lifeblood and fluids need to be checked and replaced regularly. Engine oil, brake fluid, and coolant should be on your list.

These fluids can become contaminated over winter, impacting your vehicle’s performance and safety.

Start by checking the engine oil. Oil lubricates the engine, which may be dirty or low after a long winter, impacting your engine’s efficiency.

Next, inspect the brake fluid. Proper brake fluid levels are essential for safe braking performance.

Also, check the coolant. Coolant prevents your engine from overheating, so ensuring it’s at the right level and mixture is vital for your engine’s health.

After checking these fluids, replace all the old, low, or contaminated fluids. Fresh fluids will help your car run smoothly and prevent potential damage.

Proper fluid levels and quality will improve your vehicle’s overall performance and longevity.

Car fluids check

Battery Inspection


If your car starts slower than usual, it’s a clear sign that your battery may be out.

Regular visual inspections of your battery for any signs of wear and tear can help avert unforeseen failures.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to clean the battery terminals, as corrosion can result in weak connections, impacting the performance and reliability of your vehicle.

Additionally, examine the battery case for any cracks or damage that may have occurred during the winter months.

Any visible issues could indicate the need for a replacement.


Assess the battery’s charge using a multimeter:

For accurate results, set the multimeter to 20 DC volts.

Carefully attach the multimeter’s probes to the battery terminals – red to the positive and black to the negative.

A battery in good health should register a reading of about 12.5 volts. 

If the reading is significantly lower, notably below 12 volts, it suggests the battery is discharged. 

To avoid being left stranded, consider replacing a weak battery.

Car battery check

Wiper Blade Replacement

Consider replacing your worn-out wiper blades to ensure clear visibility during spring showers.

Over time, wiper blades become cracked, torn, or ineffective, hindering their ability to wipe away rain and debris from your windscreen.

Smooth and streak-free operation is crucial for optimal visibility while driving in rainy conditions.

When selecting new wiper blades, ensure they’re the correct size for your vehicle to cover the entire windscreen when in motion.

Replacing them is easy and inexpensive to ensure your driving visibility, regardless of the weather.

To replace the wiper blades, lift the wiper arm away from the windscreen and locate the release tab.

Press the tab to slide the old blade off, then attach the new blade by sliding it into place until it clicks.

Ensure the blade is securely attached before lowering the wiper arm onto the windshield.

Regularly inspecting and replacing your wiper blades will help you maintain clear visibility and a safer driving experience during springtime showers.

Car wiper check

Windscreen Repair or Replacement

Temperature fluctuations and winter debris can damage your windscreen.

Addressing any chips or cracks will prevent them from worsening.

If actioned quickly, a small windscreen chip is often repairable, preventing it from spreading across the screen and requiring a costly replacement.

If the crack is large or obstructs your vision, seek professional help from UK Car Glass immediately.

Neglecting windscreen damage compromises your safety and may lead to a failed MOT inspection

Remember that a clear windscreen is essential for optimal visibility while driving.

Car windscreen check

Clean your Car Glass

Remove winter grime, salt buildup and dirt from all car windows (outside and inside) to enhance visibility.

Remember to use a gentle glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth to avoid streaks and ensure a clear view while driving when cleaning and caring for your car glass.

Start by spraying the glass cleaner onto the window and then wipe it off using the microfiber cloth in circular motions.

Pay special attention to the edges to remove any buildup.

You can use a bit cleaner and gently scrub with the cloth for stubborn spots.

Do not to apply too much pressure, as this can cause streaks.

Also, clean the inside glass to remove any dust or dirt that may have accumulated.

Regularly cleaning your car glass not only improves visibility but also helps maintain the overall appearance of your vehicle.

Following these simple steps, you can enjoy a crystal-clear view of the road ahead and ensure that all your car windows remain in top condition for your springtime drives.

Car glass cleaning check


After you’ve completed the essential maintenance steps for your car this spring, you can confidently hit the road, knowing your vehicle is in better driving condition.

After checking fluids, inspecting the battery, replacing wiper blades, and caring for your car’s glass, you have done the bare minimum to prepare your vehicle for the warmer months ahead.

Regular maintenance is vital to ensuring a safe and smooth driving experience.

Should you observe any significant issues with your vehicle, we advise taking it to your local car garage for a check-up.

Happy driving during the Spring season!


Published on March 25, 2024
About Jacqueline

About Jacqueline

Meet Jacqueline, the latest addition to our Sales and Operations team. With a fervent passion for British-manufactured vehicles, Jacqueline brings a wealth of enthusiasm and expertise to our team. Her dedication to the automotive industry and love for iconic British car craftsmanship make her an invaluable asset to our operations.

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